On View February 2019 | Margret Hugi-Lewis | Jannah Atkins | Judith Hoersting
First Friday opening reception: February 1st, 5 - 8pm
On view: February 2 - February 23rd, 2019
Gallery hours: Tuesday - Sunday, 12 - 4pm
CENTER GALLERY | Margret Hugi-Lewis / New Works to Stimulate the Senses
I made these pieces for this show, thinking of the walls, floor and ceiling of the space assigned to me. I hope that the viewer will enjoy the show as much as I enjoyed creating it. I also hope that each one-of-a-kind piece will be seen as standing alone.
Margret Hugi-Lewis, New Works to Stimulate the Senses, installation view, 2019
NORTH GALLERY: Jannah Atkins / Prayer Markers
The Buddhist tenet of nonviolence, Ahimsa, recognizes that all living beings have a spark of divine spiritual energy. To practice Ahimsa is to cause no harm in thought, speech, or action to any living being, including ourselves. To hurt another living being is an act of violence to yourself, often experienced as Karma. Ahimsa is the highest form of love…an unconditional positive regard for everyone and everything. To destroy the habitat of so many living beings is an act of violence with no positive outcome for all living beings, including humanity. These Prayer Markers signify the consequences as humanity struggles to comprehend the scope of a rapidly deteriorating terrestrial environment.
Jannah Atkins, Songbird Reliquary, mixed media and found object, 2019
SOUTH GALLERY: Judith Hoersting / A Winter Garden
For me, the political and global stress that is in our current lives can help be resolved by painting and drawing botanical images. It is my personal release for anxiety and allows me to focus on the hope of a renewed season.
Judith Hoersting, Memory Garden, acrylic and graphite on canvas