On View June 2019 | Birds on the Edge: Dynamic Boundaries
An invitational group exhibition curated by Sandra Talbot, Ph.D., Colleen M. Handel, Ph.D., and Lee Tibbitts, M.Sc.
First Friday opening reception: June 7th, 5 - 8pm
On view: Saturday, June 8th - Saturday, June 29th
Gallery hours: Tuesday - Sunday, 12 - 4pm
Closing Reception: Thursday, June 27, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
The theme and title of the Birds on the Edge: Dynamic Boundaries exhibition is the same as the theme of the 137th Annual Meeting of the American Ornithological Society held in Anchorage from June 24-28, 2019. The exhibition features art that addresses the many challenges currently faced by birds in the North and worldwide, particularly in areas where ecological boundaries are shifting rapidly, dynamically, and often unpredictably, and as such highlights the ongoing connection between art and science.
Participating artists: Jannah Atkins, Mike Conti, Graham Dane, Janet Essley, Stephen Godfrey, Meg Fowler Gravley, Stephen Gray, Mareca Guthrie, Christy Haughey, Linda Infante Lyons, David Joel, Kait Juba, Christopher Judd, Carol Lambert, Kristin Link, Madara Mason, Hugh McPeck (via Ann Gabler), Jennifer Moss, Ree Nancarrow, Karen Olanna, Amberlie Perkin, David Pettibone, Brianna Reagan, David Roon, Leslie Sharpe, Sandra Talbot, James Temte, Patrice Tullai, Levi Werner
Kristin Link, Bird in Hand: Bohemian Waxwing, 2019, graphite and colored pencil on paper
Karen Olanna, Bird Form on Beach Formed Rock, 2018-2019, musk ox horn sculpture
Sandra Talbot, Book of Falling Angels, May 2019, digital images on galvanized steel, charcoal and steel hardware