MARCH 2022
IGCA Members Exhibition
The Members Exhibition is an annual exhibition that showcases the recent work of IGCA member, donors and volunteers. This year over 70 artists submitted work for this exhibition, including painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, video, printmaking, fiber art, collage and photography.
Thank you to the artists that included work in the 2022 IGCA Members Exhibition!
Meg Anderson - Behind the Eight Ball Enterprises J. E. Ilgen & C. E. Licka) - Elizabeth Belanger - Mandy Bernard - Kayo Bogdan - Jackie Bowling - Randall Carlson - Nathalie Collins - Michael Conti - John Coyne - Kate Danyluk - Monica Devine - Keetra Dixon - Linda Farr - Donna Goldsmith - Mariano Gonzales - Carolyn Gove - Stephen Gray - Ann Gray - Hans Hallinen - AnneKathrin Hansen - Deborah Hansen - Judith Hoersting - Rhonda Horton - Ed Hutchinson - Jody Jenkins - David Joel - Susan Johnson - Barb Johnson - Yulia Kalagaeva - Amanda Kelly - Scharine Kirchoff - Matt Klinn - Susan LaGrande - Carol Lambert - Jonathan Lang - Petra Lisiecki - Linda Lucky - Melanie Lynch - Shiela Mahaney - Enzina Marrari - Carol McCarty - Iryna McCoskey - Richard Murphy - Monica O’Keefe - Karen Olanna - Jacob Paiz - Nathan Perry - Tami Phelps - MaryBeth Printz - J. Reto - Alex Rydlinski - Aditi Shenoy - Randall Simpson - Mikhail Siskoff - Nancy Stalings - Lauren Stanford - Andriana Strezoski - Addie Studebaker - Christine Sundly - June Takagi - Shoko Takahashi - Sandra Talbot - Sharon Trager - Owen Tucker - Amy Vail - Kathy Vail-Roche - Ron Viol - Jen Wang - Lee Waters - Gretchen Weiss-Brooks - Anna Widman - Nikki Wray