JUNE 2022
Cubist Portraiture | Shiela Mahaney
Carousel faces
Spinning around.
Multi perspectives;
Fractured, but bound!
Mardi Gras palette,
Ecstatically bright.
Facial celebration;
Collage of delight!
Cubist Portraiture chronicles a painter’s rite of passage along my journey of stylistic exploration. One day, while dabbling with a cubist framework for painting composition, something clicked. I found myself under the spell of true inspiration! Suddenly, my family, friends, and even our dog Maximus, were all transforming in my mind’s eye, through a cubist filter.
I could not wait to express their images onto canvas using the most vibrant colors possible. There are 31 paintings in the collection, and the work flowed from my brushes as though ‘Cubist Portraiture’ had been inside me all along waiting to be freed.