APRIL 2023
Caddis | Carolyn Gove
Nest, shell, cocoon, seedpod, gall, leaf bud; there are many forms in nature that perform the function of sheltering a lifeform through a fragile stage of growth. The caddisfly larva spins a silken retreat and gathers fragments from its environment and makes a case to protect its vulnerable body. Caddis is the metaphor I use for concepts of transformation, sequestration, and growth.
This exhibit brings into the gallery sculptures that are at home in the woods or on the shore. They are not alive, but suggest life processes. Photographs provide glimpses of their habitat.
What I learn through the act of collecting and experimenting with native plants is as much a part of the art as is the meditative knotting of the armature, and the weaving of the casing.
The viewer completes the circle, bringing their own experiences and responses to interpret the forms; and hopefully, leaving inspired with renewed curiosity.