MAY 2023
2000 Journals: Filling the Void | Diane Dunn
I am a self taught multi media artist. Acrylic painting, collaging, book making, photography and sculpting are some of the creative roads I explore. I am drawn to installation and performance art as it incorporates the audience as a medium with which to complete the piece.
I have had my work shown at the Kerf International Exhibits, Seattle, Anchorage Museum, International Gallery of Contemporary Art under the mentorship of David Felker and Studio Works, in Portland, Oregon.
I call Kenai, Alaska home.
Artist Statement
My work was once described as having the flavor of Horror Vacui. A latin-derived term meaning “fear of emptiness”. I find great comfort in surrounding myself with a multitude of found or created objects. This body of work pushed me to great limits creatively, physically and emotionally. The images that fill this room are an outpouring of my thoughts and feelings.
The 2000 Journals: Filling the Void project was a year in the making. The mono printed images on each marks a moment on my life’s timeline during that 12 months. I can look at a journal cover and tell you how I was feeling and what was happening in my life in that moment.
The Performance and Your Participation
I will be taking up my own 500 page journal and begin the process of writing. I will be “in residence” during gallery hours for the duration of the show. I will record the thoughts and feelings that come to mind from the visual cues that surround me.
You are invited, one at a time, to come into my journaling space, look over my shoulder and read my journal entries. I ask that you do so in silence. You the observer become the observed.
You may write in the journals, but you must return them to any square in the grid. You the observer become my collaborator in this performance.