Interview with Fairbanks Artist Ethan Lauesen

Ethan Lauesen is a visual artist based in Fairbanks, Alaska. They earned their BFA from the University of Alaska Fairbanks in 2019. The body of work they create focuses on the cultural aspects of gender and LGBTQIA+ identity and how they are perceived in communities, specifically Interior Alaska. The work they produce is more intimate as a response to cultural perceptions of themselves due to inter-sectional issues of race, gender, and sexuality and as a result the prints, paintings, and drawings created represent a personal narrative documenting cultural change.


Instagram: @siawyn_art

Ethan Lauesen’s exhibition For Your Comfort, originally scheduled for display at IGCA this month, was postponed due to Covid-19 and will now be presented in May 2021. As a kind of preview for next year’s exhibition, Ethan sent some new etchings down from Fairbanks for display in the IGCA windows this month. Ethan also took the time to talk with gallery manager Karinna Gomez about their art. Listen to the interview below.

Ethan Lauesen, applying chine collé to their etching For My Comfort, in the UAF printmaking studio.

Ethan Lauesen, applying chine collé to their etching For My Comfort, in the UAF printmaking studio.

Etchings by Ethan Lauesen on display in the IGCA windows in May 2020.

Etchings by Ethan Lauesen on display in the IGCA windows in May 2020.

Interview with February Artist Alice Bailey

Alice Bailey at IGCA

Gallery Manager Karinna Gomez talked by phone with February artist Alice Bailey about her exhibition Quinhagak, Bethel, Nikolai, currently on view in the Center and North Galleries.

To see Alice’s copperplate photogravures and to learn more about the artist visit her website:

Quinhagak, Bethel, Nikolai and the South Gallery exhibition by A Behind the Eight Ball Enterprises Project (J. E. Ilgen & C. E. Licka) are on view through Saturday, February 29, 2020.

Photo: Alice Bailey at IGCA on First Friday